Accordions for Sale from Lyle Schafer's Collection
Hohner Gola
Hard case, Value of at least $10,000
When the Hohner Gola was originally made in 1963 it was worked on by the world-famous accordion designer, Giovanni Gola. Each Gola is a perfect rendition of Giovanni’s strive for perfection. It’s the instrument of choice for only the most discerning soloists, including numerous World Champions, and only top-quality materials are used in the making of this masterpiece. The high standards, which ensure the perfect synergy between player and instrument, become apparent immediately when playing a Gola:
It was rebuilt in 1994
The accordion has: Full Midi, 3 Middles. a light musette, Bassoon and 3 middles, Double tone chamber, 4 sets of treble reeds, 6 sets of bass reads
Exccelseior Excellent condition
Soft case
Value of $3500.00
The Excelsior was made in New York City. Lyle bought it used. In 1982 Lyle traded in the Excelsior when Michael Arralde was working for Joe Spano. It was bought by Harold Nigard who had it for 30 years. Harold Nigard then sold it back to Lyle. Lyle said the bass sound of the Excelsior was better than his other accordions.
Lyrical bass, Tenor or alto switches unrivaled, In its day, the Excelsior was the #1 accordion played by 9/10 accordionists in the US. elsior Symphony Grand
Made 1958
Iorio H series organ
Professional Deluxe model
Hard case,
Value of $3500.00
Originally the Iorio was an organ accordion but was converted to a pure Midi in 1997, Condenser makes the system onboard, Double tone chamber, Hand-made reeds, Bassoon and 3 middles, 4 treble reeds, 5 bass reeds, Wood grill overlay
Record Novastar
Made 1957 or 1958
Very good condition
Hard case
Value of $1500.00
Double tone chamber
5 sets treble reeds
5 sets bass reeds
Acoustic accordion only
Appraisal and information about the accordions is provided by Michael Arralde.
If you are interested in purchasing, please contact Fred Schaefer at [email protected] or
at 360.570.1800. |
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