NWAS NewsContact Information






President/Treasurer Bonnie Birch
Vice President/Communications Doris Osgood
Secretary/Technology Judith Ames
Membership Judith Ames
Editorial Staff Judith Ames
Doris Osgood
Colleen Halverson

Advisory Board members:

John Giuliani, Jr.

Dick Myking

Birgit Teuwen

Cooksie (Kaserzon) Kramer





Articles, Music, Pictures for our next Issue


February 1
May 1
August 1
November 1




Full Page $120
Half Page $65
Quarter Page $35
Business Card $15

Prices are PER ISSUE, US Funds


Please send your advertisements as "photo" ready. They may be sent as hard-copy which we will then scan in to the computer or in MS Word or plain text format. JPG or PDF are also acceptable.

Send advertisements to

C/O Colleen Halverson

PO Box 687, LaPine, OR 97739

or email to [email protected]



Inquiries, questions, suggestions, etc.
Contact Doris Osgood, 3224 B St., Forest Grove, OR 97116. (503) 357-0417. Email:

[email protected]



* Advertisers
* Coming Events
* Reviews of Current Events
* Personal Information
* Original Compositions
* Educational/Technical Information

Articles (printed in the ORDER in which they are RECEIVED)

When sending newspaper articles, you must include written permission from the publisher for us to reprint as well as a glossy copy of any photographs submitted.

We prefer that the articles sent via email or disk be in MS Word or plain text format. If it is a typed, paper copy, please be sure the type is DARK so it will scan into our computer with few errors.

If you wish photos returned, you must send SASE of correct size and adequate postage.


Send articles to:
5102 NE 121st Ave. Unit 12
Vancouver, WA 98682
or email to
[email protected]

The views expressed by the contributors to this publication are not necessarily those of the North-west Accordion Society or its advertisers.